Sunday, September 28, 2008

Homeopathic medical methods acne

« ...The dermatologist is a key player in identifying and treating the condition known as acne. Acne comes in several types and can affect different people in different ways. In order to definitively diagnose acne in the patient, the dermatologist relies on experience, training and various medical diagnostic tests. Determining the best type of acne medicine or treatment methods is the next step in the process. But, treatment of the individual with pimple or other similar skin eruptions and scarring requires additional assistance from the dermatologist. If you are fighting acne, pick a dermatologist who will provide support in several areas....
...Secondly, acne can be considered as the "clogging" of the toxic on our face. There are many facial cleanser in the market. However, most of these are chemically-produced. It might yield some temporary and superficial effect, but you will never know what will happen INSIDE your body. Therefore, I will advise you not to use any artificial facial cleanser. Instead, you can use natural juices such as lemon juice, almond juice, green pea juice that can help to clean your face and help to get rid of your acne scars....»
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«...Traditional treatments include: reducing sebum production, reducing bacteria on the skin, reducing the inflammation, exfoliation (peeling of the skin which unclogs pores; removes dead skin cells and debris), and hormone-based treatments....»
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tags: fast acting homely acne treatments, wheat allergy acne, best over the counter acne face soap

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