Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne solution and the world's greatest treasury of health secrets and acne

We are sure that you have heard that a poor diet will cause or hurt acne. However, the real truth is that there is no scientific evidence that directly links any particular foods to the cause of acne. Acne has a wide range of causes, pinpointing just one cause is impossible. Therefore, it is important to watch and understand your own skin. If after eating some foods your skin has a negative reaction, then it is generally a good idea to choose to avoid it. However, remember things such as what you drink or sugar, fried foods, candy, or chocolate do not cause acne.
The best way of preventing adverse condition to any of your organs, including your skin, is to live a healthy lifestyle. If you truly want to prevent acne naturally you should give up drugs that are not either recommended or prescribed by your doctor. This includes alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Caffeine in particular results in dehydrating your body. And, the results of long-term smoking to the skin are visually obvious. Remember that coffee isn't the only source of caffeine. Be sure to read the labels on your drinks. For the best skin health, drink only water.
If you look on the Internet long and hard enough, you will find some advertisements that will lay claim to cure acne overnight, but this is not very realistic. If you believe in miracles, then anything is possible. If there are real cures to cure acne overnight, then this would certainly be the miracle that millions of acne sufferers have been waiting for.
tags: food that helps acne, benzoyl peroxide acne cream, laser treatment for acne scars

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